Development of integrated management system for the complex logistics in maritime shipping sector

Project objective: Conceptual model design; analysis of potential and applicable IT softwares and vendors, functional and technical IT-requirements development 

Comleted work:

  • The existing business processes for managing cargo turnover of materials and resources and produced oil were analyzed (AS IS). The degree and extent of their automation was evaluated. "Bottlenecks" were identified. Current IT landscape was defined.
  • Business requirements for materials and resources cargo turnover management processes  (TO BE) and functional and technical requirements for the future information system (the Integrated Cargo Turnover Management system - ICTMS) were formed.
  • The future IT landscape taking into account the possible use of systems clasees to "cover" the necessary modules was defined.
  • The analysis of the market for existing IT platforms, which, in terms of the functionality of their solutions, makes it possible to implement the introduction of the ICTMS. A ranking and a preliminary assessment of the functionality of potential IT solutions were carried out, a “short list” was proposed for further study.

Project deliverables:

  • The business concept of the ICTMS;
  • Functional and technical requirements for ICTMS and Technical task for detailed design;
  • “Short List” of the most promising IT platforms for use during implementation;
  • Initiation of the IT project for the implementation of the ICTMS.

Measurable value:

The foundation for the subsequent introduction of the ICTMS was laid; potentially - the availability of the end-to-end management of the materials and resources cargo turnover in the IT system, improvement of the process quality and coordination, the quality of data, cost reduction.

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